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What age did you start skating and what age are you now?
“I started when I was 26, and only just turned 27.”
Why did you start skating?
“I decided on skating after tossing the idea between it and ballet classes for several years. Something good to help with my health and flexibility! Thankfully I had a very kind classmate who invite me to skate with her, and I've been going since!”
What level are you working on right now?
“I'm working on Adult 4.”
What has been the most challenging part of your journey on the ice so far?
“The most challenging part has been my personal struggle with trying to keep a good balance between pushing myself and guarding myself from injuries. Thankfully doing exercises off-ice has helped a lot as well.”
What has been the best/most rewarding/ memorable part of your journey on the ice so far?
“ I've benefited greatly from the friends I've made so far, and even the old friendships that have strengthened due to the common interest in skating, that has by far been the most rewarding.”
What do friends and family who know you skate think about it?
“The friends and family I have that don't skate themselves are very happy with my accomplishments so far (especially my mom), and are proud that I finally have something to encourage me to focus more on my physical health.”
Have you had any injuries take place from skating on or off ice? What was it?
“Funny story about injuries! My very first LTS class I belly flopped and slid across ice in the first five minutes. Gave myself a hip pointer and a giant bruise on my chest that week.”
Have you battled any other pre-existing health issues and had to learn to work around them on the ice?
“I have fibromyalgia, and I always worry about my joints and nerves, but the work on flexibility and strength (while still being fun) has been very beneficial. I still have to take precautions on ice, such as always wearing knee pads, and additional stretching sessions afterwards.”
Do you compete or skate recreationally? If recreationally, have you considered competing before? If so, why did u decide against competing?
“I only skate recreationally, but after seeing the fantastic adults from center ice in Atlanta, I've been inspired to try to compete one day!”
Would you recommend skating to other adults interested? If so, what advice would you give a new adult skater?
“I absolutely recommend other adults to try skating out, especially those that may think it's impossible. Never know until you give it a try, just don't forget your knee pads!”
Finally, how much longer do you see yourself skating?
“I can see myself skating the rest of my life, at least as long as my body allows."